Staff Survey

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
You are not required to complete the above information. You may complete either name or position, or neither if you wish to remain anonymous.
Please read the questions below and click the button that matches the grade you feel we perform.

This helps us improve and raise our standards.

1 - Inadequate 2 - Required Improvement 3 - Good 4 - Outstanding

1. Is the service safe?

I understand my responsibility to protect and safeguard Service Users from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm, neglect, abuse and discrimination(Required)
Staff who administer medication have competency assessments completed regularly(Required)
I give Service Users their medicine according to the Care Plan and store it correctly and safely. I have been given the training required to administer/prompt medication(Required)
The Service User is involved in reviewing their medicines and supported to be as independent as possible(Required)
I understand who is responsible for maintaining the Service User's equipment and quickly report any maintenance issues to the correct agency(Required)
There are enough staff to make sure that Service Users receives a reliable service that is not rushed. Staff have the right mix of skills to make sure the Service Users are kept safe(Required)
I am encouraged to seek help when I feel I am being asked to do something that I am not prepared or trained for. I am positively supported to challenge and report any poor practice and I am confident this would be acted upon(Required)
I know how to support Service Users to stay safe but also have as much freedom as possible to do the things they want to do(Required)
Staff protect the dignity and human rights of the Service Users and respect them as individuals(Required)
The Service User is kept up to date when staff need to change at short notice, so they know who to expect(Required)
When I cover for staff, I am fully briefed so I can seamlessly support the Service User according to their Care Plan(Required)

2. Is the service effective?

The Service User is always introduced to any staff who are going to provide their care(Required)
I have the right knowledge, qualifications and skills to carry out my role(Required)
I received a comprehensive induction, including shadowing more experienced staff(Required)
I receive training in a method that suits me and develops my skills, and Yorkshire And Humber Healthcare Alliance East supports my continuous professional development(Required)
I receive supervision and appraisal which help me develop skills(Required)
I have an employment contract and understand the terms and conditions(Required)
If required, I am registered with the necessary professional body and understand and work within the code of practice(Required)
When needed, the Service User's family and friends are also involved in decisions about their care(Required)
I know about the health needs and personal wishes of the Service Users I support and they are given as much choice and control as possible(Required)
If applicable to the Care Plan, I make sure the Service User gets the right food and drink they need and that they have enough of it(Required)
I understand the laws around consent and always seek informed consent to care or treatment(Required)

3. Is the service caring?

I feel staff treat Service Users and their loved ones with dignity, respect, kindness and compassion(Required)
There are warm positive relationships between Service Users and staff(Required)
The staff team is caring and staff work well together(Required)
I understand how to request independent support and advocacy if Service Users need this service(Required)
Service Users' privacy is always respected by staff and this includes their personal information(Required)
I have the time to care for and treat people in a person-centred way(Required)
Staff communicate with Service Users and their loved ones about their needs. Staff understand the importance of not discriminating because of someone's protected characteristic(Required)

4. Is the service responsive?

Staff understand the service is for Service Users. They listen to their personal stories, needs, preferences and ideas and act on them(Required)
The Service User’s Care Plan is changed as their needs change and all those who need to know, like other services, are kept up to date(Required)
The Service User’s Care Plan is changed as their needs change and all those who need to know, like other services, are kept up to date(Required)

5. Is the service well-led?

Staff are involved in the quality assurance process within Yorkshire And Humber Healthcare Alliance East and understand the importance of monitoring and measuring service performance(Required)
Staff are involved in the development of the aims and objectives of Yorkshire And Humber Healthcare Alliance East(Required)
There is good communication between management and staff and teams work collaboratively(Required)
The manager models a team approach with a ‘safe to challenge’ culture and respects differing views(Required)
The management communicates clearly to everyone, thinking about the way we will understand the message best and adhering to the Accessible Information Standard(Required)
I am asked for my views on the wider service and I feel included in how things will be different(Required)
I know what is expected of me and staff are happy in their work(Required)
The managers know what they need to do and are always honest, including when things go wrong(Required)
I know the roles and responsibilities of management across Yorkshire And Humber Healthcare Alliance East(Required)
I am positively supported to challenge and report any poor practice and I am confident this would be acted upon(Required)
Respecting my privacy(Required)
If you wish, you do not have to declare your identity on this survey and you may return it anonymously
I have been told that I can return this survey anonymously(Required)
I have been shown how to return this survey anonymously(Required)
I am satisfied that I can return this survey anonymously if I want to(Required)